Operating System


Third year unit at ESIEE Paris for students joining after  “classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles” that teach thebasic operation of operating systems and related concepts (file management, I/O…). This course will be based on study of Unix, Linux and Microsoft Windows XP. Taught by Laurent Najman. This page contains all the materials in French of the 2012 year. For the other years, please check the webpage of the unit on Laurent Najman Website.

Unit summarize


Le Gudu


Introduction Unix (hors cours)

TD grep/make/bash

TD Processus sous Unix/a>

TD Synchronisation de processus

TD Gestion de la mémoire et des fichiers


Annales EXTAZ 2010-2011


All the materials posted on this website belongs to the credit of their respective authors.

Website of Laurent Najman