So, sometimes I’m kinda lazy.
Considering the fact I needed to be connecting to different Gcloud env for different project, it was kinda a hassle to have to switch every time.
So I told myself… why not automatize it ?
So I search a bit and found this good example:
I searched a bit for a alpine image and then adapted for my needs like that
deploy: stage: deploy image: google/cloud-sdk:alpine only: - dev before_script: - echo $FIREBASE_KEY > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/key.json - echo $GCLOUD_SERVICE_KEY > /tmp/$CI_PIPELINE_ID.json - gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file /tmp/$CI_PIPELINE_ID.json - gcloud config set project $CLOUDSDK_CORE_PROJECT script: - cd ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} - gcloud app deploy allow_failure: false
With this, you’ll also need a configuration in your settings, CI/CD variables.
Something like that

Once done, Please do not forget to have at least your branch / tag as protected.
Else you’ll loose time like me 🙂